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Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Registration

Location: Metropolitan Ballrooms Foyer (2nd floor map)

Sunday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Registration

Location: Metropolitan Ballrooms Foyer (2nd floor map)

Sunday 6:00 PM: Conference Reception and Panel (partially funded by Google)

Google welcomes you to an exciting discussion between industry and academia on system/hardware design at scale.

Babak Falsafi (EPFL), Hsien-Hsin Lee (Meta), Bobbie Manne (Meta), Margaret Martonosi (Princeton), Partha Ranganathan (Google)

Samira Khan (UVa/Google)

Day 1: Monday, June 20

7:30 AM – 8:15 AM: Breakfast

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom West and Central Park East and West (2nd floor map)

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Registration

Location: Metropolitan Ballrooms Foyer (2nd floor map)

8:15 AM – 8:30 AM: Welcome

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom East (2nd floor map)

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Keynote by Sarita Adve (UIUC)

Sarita Adve headshot Abstract
Computing is on the brink of a new immersive era. Recent innovations in virtual/augmented/mixed reality, collectively referred to as extended reality or XR, show the potential for a new immersive modality of computing that will transform most human activities and change how we design, program, and use computers. There is, however, an orders of magnitude gap between the power/performance/quality-of-experience (QoE) attributes of current and desirable immersive systems. Bridging this gap requires an ambitious systems research agenda that is application-driven, end-to-end QoE driven, and based on hardware-software-application co-design. To enable this agenda, my group has built ILLIXR (Illinois eXtended Reality testbed) –- the first open source XR system and testbed for end-to-end immersive systems research. I will describe ILLIXR, the research it is enabling, and the vast research that remains. I will also discuss the industry supported ILLIXR consortium, where our goal is to democratize XR systems research, development, and benchmarking.

Sarita Adve is the Richard T. Cheng Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests span the system stack, ranging from hardware to applications. Her work on the data-race-free, Java, and C++ memory consistency models forms the foundation for memory models used in most hardware and software systems today. She chairs the ILLIXR consortium to democratize XR systems research, development, and benchmarking. She is also known for her work on heterogeneous systems and software-driven approaches for hardware resiliency. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the ACM and IEEE, and received the ACM/IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy award. As ACM SIGARCH chair, she co-founded the CARES movement, winner of the CRA distinguished service award, to address discrimination and harassment in Computer Science research events. She received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

9:30 AM – 11:10 AM

Session Chair: Per Stenström (Chalmers University)
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
NvMR: Non-Volatile Memory Renaming for Intermittent Computing
Abhishek Bhattacharyya, Abhijith Somashekhar, Joshua San Miguel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Free Atomics: Hardware Atomic Operations without Fences
Ashkan Asgharzadeh, Juan M. Cebrian (University of Murcia); Arthur Perais (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Stefanos Kaxiras (Uppsala University); Alberto Ros (University of Murcia)

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM
Securing GPU via Region-based Bounds Checking
Jaewon Lee, Yonghae Kim, Jiashen Cao, Euna Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology); Jaekyu Lee (Arm Research); Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
täkō: A Polymorphic Cache Hierarchy for General-Purpose Optimization of Data Movement
Brian C. Schwedock, Piratach Yoovidhya (CMU); Jennifer Seibert (Binghamton University); Nathan Beckmann (CMU)

10:50 AM – 11:10 AM
EQC: Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum Algorithms
Samuel Alexander Stein (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory); Nathan Wiebe (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and University of Toronto); Yufei Ding (UC Santa Barbara); Peng Bo, Karol Kowalski, Nathan Baker, James Ang, Ang Li (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

11:10 AM – 11:30 AM: Break

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Session Chair: Jakub Szefer (Yale)
11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
Axiomatic Hardware-Software Contracts for Security
Nicholas Mosier, Hanna Lachnitt (Stanford University); Hamed Nemati (Stanford University and CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security); Caroline Trippel (Stanford University)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
PPMLAC: High Performance Chipset Architecture for Secure Multi-Party Computation
Xing Zhou (Shanghai ZiXian Technology); Zhilei Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Cong Wang (Shanghai ZiXian Technology); Mingyu Gao (Tsinghua University)

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM
INSPIRE: In-Storage Private Information Retrieval via Protocol and Architecture Co-design
Jilan Lin, Ling Liang, Zheng Qu, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Liu Liu, Fengbin Tu, Trinabh Gupta, Yufei Ding, Yuan Xie (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Session Chair: Jaime Moreno (IBM)
11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
TDGraph: A Topology-Driven Accelerator for High-Performance Streaming Graph Processing
Jin Zhao, Yun Yang, Yu Zhang, Xiaofei Liao, Lin Gu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Ligang He (University of Warwick); Bingsheng He (National University of Singapore); Hai Jin, Haikun Liu, Xinyu Jiang, Hui Yu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
DIMMining: Pruning-Efficient and Parallel Graph Mining on DIMM-based Near-Memory-Computing
Guohao Dai, Zhenhua Zhu, Tianyu Fu, Chiyue Wei (Tsinghua University); Bangyan Wang (University of California, Santa Barbara); Xiangyu Li (Tsinghua University); Yuan Xie (University of California, Santa Barbara); Huazhong Yang, Yu Wang (Tsinghua University)

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM
NDMiner: Accelerating Graph Pattern Mining Using Near Data Processing
Nishil Talati, Haojie Ye, Yichen Yang, Leul Wuletaw Belayneh, Kuan-Yu Chen, David Blaauw, Trevor Mudge, Ronald Dreslinski (University of Michigan)

12:30 PM – 2:30 PM: Lunch and Panel

Silent data corruption in modern computing devices has emerged as a growing challenge. The scope of Silent Data Corruptions is not 1 in a million as previously thought. Studies at scale have demonstrated this to be far more pervasive (~1 in 1000 range). This order of magnitude difference raises the urgency with which this challenge needs to be addressed. We anticipate that a holistic solution will require fundamental changes in how we architect computing devices, the telemetry we put in for DFT, the reliability architecture, the screening and verification methods, the software resilience we need to build in our OS, Compilers, distributed infrastructure and into our applications. This is a call to action for the entire computing community to actively engage to address this technical challenge holistically.

Sriram Sankar (Meta), Rama Govindaraju (Google), Caroline Trippel (Stanford), Ronak Singhal (Intel), Sudhanva Gurumurthi (AMD), Shawn Blanton (CMU)

2:30 PM – 3:50 PM

Session Chair: Dimitrios Skarlatos (CMU)
2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
SoftVN: Efficient Memory Protection via Software-Provided Version Numbers
Muhammad Umar, Weizhe Hua, Zhiru Zhang, G. Edward Suh (Cornell University)

2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
CraterLake: A Hardware Accelerator for Efficient Unbounded Computation on Encrypted Data
Nikola Samardzic, Axel Feldmann, Aleksandar Krastev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Nathan Manohar (IBM T.J. Watson); Nicholas Genise (SRI International); Srinivas Devadas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Karim Eldefrawy (SRI International); Chris Peikert (University of Michigan); Daniel Sanchez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
PS-ORAM: Efficient Crash Consistency Support for Oblivious RAM on NVM
Gang liu, Kenli Li, Zheng Xiao (College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University); Rujia Wang (Illinois Institute of Technology)

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
There's Always a Bigger Fish: A Clarifying Analysis of a Machine-Learning-Assisted Side-Channel Attack
Jack Cook, Jules Drean, Jonathan Behrens, Mengjia Yan (MIT)
Session Chair: Bahar Asgari (Google/UMD)
2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Gearbox: A Case for Supporting Accumulation Dispatching and Hybrid Partitioning in PIM-based Accelerators
Marzieh Lenjani, Alif Ahmed, Mircea R. Stan, Kevin Skadron (University of Virginia)

2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
To PIM or Not for Emerging General Purpose Processing in DDR Memory Systems
Alexandar Devic, Siddhartha Balakrishna Rai, Anand Sivasubramaniam (The Pennsylvania State University); Ameen Akel, Sean Eilert, Justin Eno (Micron Technology, Inc)

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
MeNDA: A Near-Memory Multi-way Merge Solution for Sparse Transposition and Dataflows
Siying Feng, Xin He, Kuan-Yu Chen (University of Michigan); Liu Ke, Xuan Zhang (Washington University in St. Louis); David Blaauw, Trevor Mudge, Ronald Dreslinski (University of Michigan)

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
CaSMap: Agile Mapper for Reconfigurable Spatial Architectures by Automatically Clustering Intermediate Representations and Scattering Mapping Process
Xingchen Man, Jianfeng Zhu, Guihuan Song, Shouyi Yin, Shaojun Wei, Leibo Liu (Tsinghua University)

3:50 PM – 4:10 PM: Break

4:10 PM – 6:10 PM

Session Chair: Lisa Hsu (Microsoft)
4:10 PM – 4:30 PM
The Mozart Reuse Exposed Dataflow Processor for AI and Beyond
Karthikeyan Sankaralingam (SimpleMachines Inc.); Tony Nowatzki (SimpleMachines Inc. and University of California, Los Angeles); Vinay Gangadhar, Preyas Shah, Michael Davies, Poly Palamuttam, Jitu Khare, Maghawan Punde, Deepak Vijay, Ziliang Guo, William Galliher, Vijay Thiruvengadam, Alex Tan, Rongyi Wang, Shunmiao Xu (SimpleMachines Inc.)

4:30 PM – 4:50 PM
Software-Hardware Co-design for Fast and Scalable Training of Deep Learning Recommendation Models
Dheevatsa Mudigere, Yuchen Hao, Jianyu Huang (Meta); Zhihao Jia (CMU and Meta); Andrew Tulloch, Srinivas Sridharan, Xing Liu, Mustafa Ozdal, Jade Nie, Jongsoo Park, Liang Luo, Jie Amy Yang, Leon Gao, Dmytro Ivchenko, Aarti Basant, Yuxi Hu, Jiyan Yang, Ehsan K. Ardestani, Xiaodong Wang, Rakesh Komuravelli, Ching-Hsiang Chu, Serhat Yilmaz, Huayu Li, Jiyuan Qian, Zhuobo Feng, Yinbin Ma, Junjie Yang, Ellie Wen, Hong Li, Lin Yang, Chonglin Sun, Whitney Zhao, Dimitry Melts, Krishna Dhulipala, KR Kishore, Tyler Graf, Assaf Eisenman, Kiran Kumar Matam, Adi Gangidi, Guoqiang Jerry Chen, Manoj Krishnan, Avinash Nayak, Krishnakumar Nair, Bharath Muthiah, Mahmoud Khorashadi, Pallab Bhattacharya, Petr Lapukhov, Maxim Naumov, Ajit Mathews, Lin Qiao, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Bill Jia, Vijay Rao (Meta)

4:50 PM – 5:10 PM
AI Accelerator on IBM Telum Processor
Cedric Lichtenau (IBM); Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Ramon Bertran Monfort (IBM Research); Christian Jacobi, Andrew Sica, Anthony Saporito, Peter Figuli (IBM); Haris Pozidis, Nikolaos Papandreou (IBM Research); Elpida Tzortzatos (IBM)

5:10 PM – 5:30 PM
Fidas: Fortifying the Cloud via Comprehensive FPGA-based Offloading for Intrusion Detection
Jian Chen, Xiaoyu Zhang, Ying Zhang, Tao Wang, Tao Chen, Jiajun Chen, Mingxu Xie, Qiang Liu (Alibaba Group)

5:30 PM – 5:50 PM
Understanding Data Storage and Ingestion for Large-Scale Deep Recommendation Model Training
Mark Zhao, Niket Agarwal, Aarti Basant, Bugra Gedik, Satadru Pan, Mustafa Ozdal, Rakesh Komuravelli, Jerry Pan, Tianshu Bao, Haowei Lu, Sundaram Narayanan, Jack Langman, Kevin Wilfong, Harsha Rastogi, Carole-Jean Wu (Meta); Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University); Parik Pol (Meta)

5:50 PM – 6:10 PM
Mixed-Proxy Extensions for the NVIDIA PTX Memory Consistency Model
Daniel Lustig (NVIDIA); Simon Cooksey (The University of Kent); Olivier Giroux (NVIDIA)
Session Chair: Hung-Wei Tseng (UC Riverside)
4:10 PM – 4:30 PM
FFCCD: Fence-Free Crash-Consistent Concurrent Defragmentation for Persistent Memory
Yuanchao Xu (North Carolina State University); Chencheng Ye (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Yan Solihin (University of Central Florida); Xipeng Shen (North Carolina State University)

4:30 PM – 4:50 PM
LightPC: Hardware and Software Co-Design for Energy-Efficient Full System Persistence
Sangwon Lee, Miryeong Kwon, Gyuyoung Park, Myoungsoo Jung (KAIST)

4:50 PM – 5:10 PM
ASAP: Architecture Support for Asynchronous Persistence
Ahmed Abulila (Microsoft Corporation); Izzat El Hajj (American University of Beirut); Myoungsoo Jung (KAIST); Nam Sung Kim (UIUC)

5:10 PM – 5:30 PM
Sibyl: Adaptive and Extensible Data Placement in Hybrid Storage Systems using Online Reinforcement Learning
Gagandeep Singh, Rakesh Nadig, Jisung Park, Rahul Bera, Nastaran Hajinazar (ETH Zurich); David Novo (LIRMM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS); Juan Gomez-Luna (ETH Zurich); Sander Stuijk, Henk Corporaal (Eindhoven University of Technology); Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich)

6:10 PM – 6:30 PM: Break

6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: Poster Session

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom West and Central Park East and West (2nd floor map)

7:30 PM: Business Meeting

Location: Empire Ballroom East (2nd floor map)

Day 2: Tuesday, June 21

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Breakfast

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom West and Central Park East and West (2nd floor map)

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Registration

Location: Metropolitan Ballrooms Foyer (2nd floor map)

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Keynote by Kenneth Brown (Duke)

Kenneth Brown headshot Abstract
Quantum computer hardware is developing rapidly and reaching a complexity that challenges traditional computing. The present hardware is still limited by noisy operations and there is significant systems-level work to get the most out of these devices. I will describe the promise of using quantum error correction to make reliable devices from faulty components and review recent experimental advances in this area. I will then consider the hardware and control challenges of future quantum devices that employ quantum error correction on the scale of hundreds of logical qubits.

Kenneth Brown is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry at Duke University. He is the Director of the NSF Software-Tailored Architectures for Quantum codesign (STAQ) project. He currently represents the Division of Quantum Information on the American Physical Society Council. He is on the Editorial Board of PRX Quantum and IEEE BITS. His primary research interests are quantum control, quantum error correction, and ion-trap quantum systems.

9:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Session Chair: Gokul Ravi (University of Chicago)
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
A Synthesis Framework for Stitching Surface Code with Superconducting Quantum Devices
Anbang Wu, Gushu Li, Hezi Zhang (University of California, Santa Barbara); Gian Giacomo Guerreschi (Intel Labs); Yufei Ding, Yuan Xie (University of California, Santa Barbara)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
2QAN: A quantum compiler for 2-local qubit Hamiltonian simulation algorithms
Lingling Lao, Dan E. Browne (University College London)

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM
XQsim: Modeling Cross-Technology Control Processors for 10+K Qubit Quantum Computers
Ilkwon Byun, Junpyo Kim, Dongmoon Min (Seoul National University); Ikki Nagaoka (Nagoya University); Kosuke Fukumitsu, Iori Ishikawa, Teruo Tanimoto (Kyushu University); Masamitsu Tanaka (Nagoya University); Koji Inoue (Kyushu University); Jangwoo Kim (Seoul National University)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
GEYSER: A Compilation Framework for Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms
Tirthak Patel, Daniel Silver, Devesh Tiwari (Northeastern University)
Session Chair: Avi Mendelson (Technion)
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
X-Cache: A Modular Architecture for Domain-Specific-Caches
Ali Sedaghati, Milad Hakimi, Reza Hojabr, Arrvindh Shriraman (Simon Fraser University)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Register File Prefetching
Sudhanshu Shukla, Sumeet Bandishte, Jayesh Gaur, Sreenivas Subramoney (Intel Labs)

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM
GCoM: A Detailed GPU Core Model for Accurate Analytical Modeling of Modern GPUs
Jounghoo Lee, Yeonan Ha, Suhyun Lee (Yonsei University); Jinyoung Woo (Ajou University); Jinho Lee (Yonsei University); Hanhwi Jang (Ajou University); Youngsok Kim (Yonsei University)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
A Scalable Architecture for Reprioritizing Ordered Parallelism
Gilead Posluns, Yan Zhu (University of Toronto); Guowei Zhang (Huawei); Mark C. Jeffrey (University of Toronto)

10:50 AM – 11:10 AM: Break

11:10 AM – 12:10 PM

Session Chair: Abdullah Muzahid (TAMU)
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM
Rethinking Programmable Earable Processors
Nathaniel Bleier, Muhammad Husnain Mubarik, Srijan Chakraborty, Shreyas Kishore, Rakesh Kumar (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)

11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
uBrain: A Unary Brain Computer Interface
Di Wu, Jingjie Li, Zhewen Pan, Younghyun Kim, Joshua San Miguel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
Managing Reliability Skew in DNA Storage
Dehui Lin (National University of Singapore); Yasamin Tabatabaee (Sharif University of Technology); Yash Pote, Djordje Jevdjic (National University of Singapore)
Session Chair: Tushar Krishna (Georgia Tech)
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM
Cascading Structured Pruning: Enabling High Data Reuse for Sparse DNN Accelerators
Edward Hanson, Shiyu Li, Hai "Helen" Li, Yiran Chen (Duke University)

11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
Anticipating and Eliminating Redundant Computations in Accelerated Sparse Training
Jonathan Lew, Yunpeng (Larry) Liu, Wenyi Gong, Negar Goli, R. David Evans, Tor M. Aamodt (University of British Columbia)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
SIMD^2: A Generalized Matrix Instruction Set for Accelerating Tensor Computation beyond GEMM
Yunan Zhang (University of California, Riverside); Po-An Tsai (NVIDIA); Hung-Wei Tseng (University of California, Riverside)

12:10 PM – 2:10 PM: Award Lunch

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom West and Central Park East and West (2nd floor map)

2:10 PM – 3:30 PM

Session Chair: Christopher Batten (Cornell)
2:10 PM – 2:30 PM
RACOD: Algorithm/Hardware Co-design for Mobile Robot Path Planning
Mohammad Bakhshalipour (Carnegie Mellon University); Seyed Borna Ehsani (University of Washington); Mohamad Qadri, Dominic Guri, Maxim Likhachev, Phillip B. Gibbons (Carnegie Mellon University)

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
EyeCoD: Eye Tracking System Acceleration via FlatCam-Based Algorithm and Accelerator Co-Design
Haoran You, Cheng Wan, Yang Zhao, Zhongzhi Yu, Yonggan Fu, Jiayi Yuan, Shang Wu, Shunyao Zhang, Yongan Zhang, Chaojian Li, Vivek Boominathan, Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice University); Ziyun Li (Facebook); Yingyan Lin (Rice University)

2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
Accelerating Database Analytic Query Workloads Using an Associative Processor
Helena Caminal (Cornell University); Yannis Chronis (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Tianshu Wu (Cornell University); Jignesh Patel (University of Wisconsin-Madison); José Martínez (Cornell University)

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
SeGraM: A Universal Hardware Accelerator for Genomic Sequence-to-Graph and Sequence-to-Sequence Mapping
Damla Senol Cali (Bionano Genomics); Konstantinos Kanellopoulos, Joel Lindegger (ETH Zurich); Zülal Bingöl (Bilkent University); Gurpreet S Kalsi (Intel Labs); Ziyi Zuo (Carnegie Mellon University); Can Firtina, Meryem Banu Cavlak, Jeremie Kim, Nika Mansouri Ghiasi, Gagandeep Singh, Juan Gómez-Luna, Nour Almadhoun Alserr, Mohammed Alser (ETH Zurich); Sreenivas Subramoney (Intel Labs); Can Alkan (Bilkent University); Saugata Ghose (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Onur Mutlu (ETH Zurich)
Session Chair: Martin Maas (Google)
2:10 PM – 2:30 PM
A Software-defined Tensor Streaming Multiprocessor for Large-Scale Machine Learning
Dennis Abts, Garrin Kimmell, Andrew Ling (Groq Inc.); John Kim (KAIST); Matt Boyd, Andrew Bitar, Sahil Parmar, Ibrahim Ahmed, Roberto DiCecco, David Han, John Thompson, Michael Bye, Jennifer Hwang, Jeremy Fowers, Peter Lillian, Ashwin Murthy, Elyas Mehtabuddin, Chetan Tukur, Thomas Sohmers, Kris Kang, Jonathan Ross (Groq Inc.)

2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Themis: A Network Bandwidth-Aware Collective Scheduling Policy for Distributed Training of DL Models
Saeed Rashidi, William Won (Georgia Institute of Technology); Sudarshan Srinivasan (Intel); Srinivas Sridharan (Meta); Tushar Krishna (Georgia Institute of Technology)

2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
MOESI-prime: Preventing Coherence-Induced Hammering in Commodity Workloads
Kevin Loughlin (University of Michigan); Stefan Saroiu, Alec Wolman (Microsoft); Yatin A. Manerkar, Baris Kasikci (University of Michigan)

3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
PACMAN: Attacking ARM Pointer Authentication with Speculative Execution
Joseph Ravichandran, Weon Taek Na, Jay Lang, Mengjia Yan (MIT)

3:30 PM – 3:50 PM: Break

3:50 PM – 4:50 PM

Session Chair: Djordje Jevdjic (NUS)
3:50 PM – 4:10 PM
BioHD: An Efficient Genome Sequence Search Platform Using HyperDimensional Memorization
Zhuowen Zou, Hanning Chen (University of California Irvine); Prathyush Poduval (Indian Institute of Science); Yeseong Kim (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology); Mahdi Imani (Northeastern University); Elaheh Sadredini (University of California Riverside); Rosario Cammarota (Intel Labs); Mohsen Imani (University of California Irvine)

4:10 PM – 4:30 PM
EDAM: Edit Distance tolerant Approximate Matching content addressable memory
Robert Hanhan (Technion); Esteban Garzon (University of Calabria, Bar Ilan University); Zuher Jahshan (Technion); Adam Teman (Bar Ilan University); Marco Lanuzza (University of Calabria); Leonid Yavits (Bar Ilan University)

4:30 PM – 4:50 PM
Increasing Ising Machine Capacity with Multi-Chip Architectures
Anshujit Sharma, Richard Afoakwa, Zeljko Ignjatovic, Michael Huang (University of Rochester)
Session Chair: Mengjia Yan (MIT)
3:50 PM – 4:10 PM
MGX: Near-Zero Overhead Memory Protection for Data-Intensive Accelerators
Weizhe Hua, Muhammad Umar, Zhiru Zhang, G. Edward Suh (Cornell University)

4:10 PM – 4:30 PM
Hydra: Enabling Low-Overhead Mitigation of Row-Hammer at Ultra-Low Thresholds via Hybrid Tracking
Moinuddin Qureshi, Aditya Rohan, Gururaj Saileshwar (Georgia Institute of Technology); Prashant J. Nair (The University of British Columbia)

4:30 PM – 4:50 PM
BTS: An Accelerator for Bootstrappable Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Sangpyo Kim, Jongmin Kim, Michael Jaemin Kim, Wonkyung Jung (Seoul National University); John Kim, Minsoo Rhu (KAIST); Jung Ho Ahn (Seoul National University)

4:50 PM: Excursion

Day 3: Wednesday, June 22

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Breakfast

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom West and Central Park East and West (2nd floor map)

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Keynote by Krisztian Flautner (Cisco)

Krisztian Flautner headshot Abstract
There is an increasingly widespread perception of a breakdown of trust in both our on-line and off-line worlds. Decreased trust is a problem, as high-trust societies are more prosperous and have higher levels of wellbeing. As the distinction between our on-line and off-line existence are blurred, technological choices increasingly impact the social and economic fabric, and thus impact the level of trust in a society. This talk will try to make sense of some of the trends around us, make observations about unintended consequences of business models, the blockchain and DeFi ecosystems, and lay out the blueprint of an architecture that has the potential to create a virtuous cycle of trust-generation.

Kris Flautner is responsible for product strategy in Cisco's Emerging Technology & Incubation Group after having been CEO of Banzai Cloud, a startup, acquired by Cisco, that turned Cloud Native dreams into enterprise reality through cloud software. Previous to that he was general manager of the Internet of Things business unit and VP of research and development at ARM. He received a PhD in computer science and engineering, along with a number of other degrees, from the University of Michigan. Flautner co-authored over 80 publications and received various best paper awards, and the 2017 ISCA influential paper award for groundbreaking research in power-efficient computing along with the 2021 MICRO Test of Time award.

9:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Session Chair: Esha Choukse (Microsoft Research)
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
Thermometer: Profile-Guided BTB Replacement for Data Center Applications
Shixin Song, Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Sara Mahdizadeh Shahri (University of Michigan); Akshitha Sriraman (Carnegie Mellon University / Google); Niranjan K Soundararajan, Sreenivas Subramoney (Intel Labs); Daniel A. Jiménez (Texas A&M University); Heiner Litz (University of California, Santa Cruz); Baris Kasikci (University of Michigan)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Lukewarm Serverless Functions: Characterization and Optimization
David Schall (University of Edinburgh); Artemiy Margaritov (Turing Core, Huawei 2012 Labs); Dmitrii Ustiugov (ETH Zurich); Andreas Sandberg (Arm Research); Boris Grot (University of Edinburgh)

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM
Dynamic Global Adaptive Routing in High-Radix Networks
Hans Kasan (KAIST); Gwangsun Kim (POSTECH); Yung Yi, John Kim (KAIST)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
ACT: Designing Sustainable Computer Systems With An Architectural Carbon Modeling Tool
Udit Gupta (Harvard University/Facebook); Mariam Elgamal, Gage Hills (Harvard University); Gu-Yeon Wei (Harvard University / Samsung); Hsien-Hsin S. Lee (Meta AI); David Brooks (Harvard University); Carole-Jean Wu (Facebook/ASU)
Session Chair: Ron Dreslinski (University of Michigan)
9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
HiveMind: A Hardware-Software System Stack for Serverless Edge Swarms
Liam Patterson, David Pigorovsky, Brian Dempsey, Nikita Lazarev, Aditya Shah, Clara Steinhoff, Ariana Bruno, Justin Hu, Christina Delimitrou (Cornell University)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Tiny but Mighty: Designing and Realizing Scalable Latency Tolerance for Manycore SoCs
Marcelo Orenes-Vera, Aninda Manocha (Princeton University); Jonathan Balkind (UC Santa Barbara); Fei Gao (Princeton University); Juan Luis Aragón (University of Murcia); David Wentzlaff, Margaret Martonosi (Princeton University)

10:10 AM – 10:30 AM
FlexiCores: Low Footprint, High Yield, Field-Reprogrammable Flexible Microprocessors
Nathaniel Bleier, Calvin Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign); Antony Sou, Francisco Rodriguez, Scott White (Pragmatic Semiconductor); Rakesh Kumar (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
SNS's not a Synthesizer: A Deep-Learning-Based Synthesis Predictor
Ceyu Xu, Chris Kjellqvist, Lisa Wu Wills (Duke University)

10:50 AM – 11:10 AM: Break

11:10 AM – 12:30 PM

Session Chair: Lingjia Tang (University of Michigan)
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM
Training Personalized Recommendation Systems from (GPU) Scratch: Look Forward not Backwards
Youngeun Kwon, Minsoo Rhu (KAIST)

11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
AMOS: Enabling Automatic Mapping for Tensor Computations On Spatial Accelerators with Hardware Abstraction
Size Zheng, Renze Chen (Peking University); Anjiang Wei (Stanford University); Yicheng Jin, Qin Han, Liqiang Lu, Bingyang Wu (Peking University); Xiuhong Li (Sensetime Research & Shanghai AI Lab); Shengen Yan (SenseTime Research); Yun Liang (Peking University)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
Mokey: Enabling Narrow Fixed-Point Inference for Out-of-the-Box Floating-Point Transformer Models
Ali Hadi Zadeh, Mostafa Mahmoud, Ameer Abdelhadi, Andreas Moshovos (University of Toronto)

12:10 AM – 12:30 PM
Accelerating Attention through Gradient-Based Learned Runtime Pruning
Zheng Li, Soroush Ghodrati (University of California, San Diego); Amir Yazdanbakhsh (Google Research); Hadi Esmaeilzadeh, Mingu Kang (University of California, San Diego)
Session Chair: Yiping Kang (University of Michigan)
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM
Graphite: Optimizing Graph Neural Networks on CPUs Through Cooperative Software-Hardware Techniques
Zhangxiaowen Gong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Intel); Houxiang Ji, Yao Yao, Christopher W. Fletcher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Christopher J. Hughes (Intel); Josep Torrellas (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
SmartSAGE: Training Large-scale Graph Neural Networks using In-Storage Processing Architectures
Yunjae Lee, Jinha Chung, Minsoo Rhu (KAIST)

11:50 AM – 12:10 PM
Hyperscale FPGA-As-A-Service Architecture for Large-Scale Distributed Graph Neural Network
Shuangchen Li, Dimin Niu, Yuhao Wang, Wei Han, Zhe Zhang, Tianchan Guan, Yijin Guan, Heng Liu, Linyong Huang, Zhaoyang Du, Fei Xue, Yuanwei Fang, Hongzhong Zheng, Yuan Xie (Alibaba Group)

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM
Crescent: Taming Memory Irregularities for Accelerating Deep Point Cloud Analytics
Yu Feng, Gunnar Hammonds, Yiming Gan, Yuhao Zhu (University of Rochester)

12:30 PM: Closing Remarks

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom East (2nd floor map)