The 51st International Symposium of Computer Architecture includes a separate industry session in the main program following the success of the industry track inaugurated in ISCA 2020. The ISCA Industry Track was established under a different vision and motive to bringing the values, trends, and perspectives of real hardware product and system design from the industries. It also serves as a venue to encourage more participation from industries to interact with academia for forward-looking research challenges and solutions. In light of the very specific purpose of the industry track, the submission guidelines are also very specific.

At a Glance

  • First author, and most authors, must be from industry
  • Not for student internship projects
  • Submissions must include all author names and affiliations for review (authors may remain blinded)
  • All ISCA formatting guidelines apply (11 pages without references, 10pt font)
  • Abstract Deadline: January 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Full Paper Deadline: January 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Rebuttal/Revision period: February 22 - 26, 2024

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Submission Guidelines

  • The papers ideally include (1) retrospective evaluations of real working products, (2) upcoming industry products on their roadmaps, and/or (3) planned products that were canceled but present interesting insights or lessons learned.
  • The following types of submissions will not be considered: (1) students' short-term internship projects in industries, or (2) speculation about hardware that might be built.
  • The first and most of the authors of such papers must work in industry.
  • The submissions are required to disclose the affiliations of all authors. Reviewers want to know which product is being evaluated and which company is writing the paper. Review assignments will still follow common practice to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • All formatting guidelines for the general submission (including page limits) must also be followed by any paper submitted to the industry track. The accepted paper will be labelled as an "Industry Product" in the conference proceedings.

Submissions that fail to abide by the guidelines will be rejected without review.

Important Dates

The program committee recognizes that industry papers need to be approved by management (often involving multiple rounds of redaction) before they can be submitted, and there can be restrictions about filing patents before submitting a paper. Therefore, a later deadline schedule is adopted to increase the chances of receiving such papers.

  • Abstract Deadline: January 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Full Paper Deadline: January 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST

Topics of Interest

Paper topics are not limited to hardware tapeouts. In particular, papers that are software-centric papers relevant to the ISCA audience are welcome in this track (e.g. datacenter software work, compiler work, accelerator software stack work), but they should adhere to the tenet that they must be industry papers about production-level work - whether retrospective, planned and on the roadmap, or planned but canceled.

  • Processors, SoCs, GPUs, and domain-specific accelerators
  • Systems and interconnect technologies for HPC, cloud, or data centers
  • Embedded, mobile, and IoT processors
  • FPGA or reconfigurable architectures
  • Storage and emerging memory systems
  • Architectures using emerging technology
  • Architectures for emerging applications including generative AI and bioinformatics
  • Architectures for commercialization of quantum computing