With generous support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, ACM SIGARCH, and IEEE TC on Computer Architecture, ISCA-49 will offer travel grants for students to defray a portion of their travel cost. The size and number of these grants will vary depending on funding availability, the number of student applicants, and their respective priority. Grant awards will be made before the early registration deadline; expenses will be reimbursed after the conference; grant recipients will be asked to submit original receipts to verify their expenditures.
While we encourage all in need of a travel grant to apply, the selection process will give higher priority to students with greater involvement in the conference (presenter, co-author). Grants made available by NSF will use selection criteria that consider broader impact. We strongly encourage applications from students that belong to under-represented groups. Also, certain funds will be available to ACM SIGARCH student members and IEEE Computer Society members only. We highly encourage students to join SIGARCH and TCCA to be given higher priority. TCCA offers free membership and SIGARCH offers an online membership for $2.
Applicants must fill out the Travel Grant Application Form before the deadline, May 15, 2022.
Student applicants also need to ask their direct thesis advisor or other university sponsor to send an e-mail to the Student Travel Award Chairs (isca22sta@gmail.com) with the subject line "ISCA 2022 Student Travel Status Confirmation for [Your Last Name, Your First Name]", stating that you are a full-time student pursuing an MS/Ph.D. or an undergraduate researcher in the areas covered by ISCA. The advisor is also welcome to comment on the potential broader impact of making an award to you, e.g., if you belong to an underrepresented group, or if the candidate is unable to attend without a substantial travel grant.